A downloadable game for Windows

Embark on Your 3D Sci-Fi Shooter Adventure!

          Step into the world of "Blaster Fortune", my very first 3D shooter game set in a captivating sci-fi universe. As a budding space scavenger, you'll explore the confines of a bustling market, collecting precious coins to purchase your first weapon and ammo. Aim, shoot, and watch as destructible items rain coins upon impact.

๐Ÿš€ A Glimpse into the Future: "Blaster Fortune" is a prototype game, a taste of the grand cosmos you'll soon conquer. Unleash your marksmanship on breakable objects, gather more coins, and trade them for even more potent armaments. It's a compact experience that hints at the boundless possibilities to come.

๐Ÿ› ๏ธ Your First Steps: Begin with a handful of coins, just enough to procure your initial weapon and ammunition. Revel in the joy of your first shots and the satisfying clink of collected coins. It's a simple cycle of acquisition, destruction, and enhancement that forms the core of this early build.

๐ŸŒŒ On the Horizon: This may be my first 3D creation, but it's only the beginning. The universe of "Blaster Fortune" is set to expand with future implementations. Expect a richer market, an array of progressively powerful weapons, and extended gameplay elements that will transform this prototype into a fully-fledged cosmic adventure.

๐Ÿ”ฎ Craft Your Odyssey: With each trigger pull, you're not just playing โ€“ you're pioneering. "Blaster Fortune" invites you to be part of its evolution, shaping the game with each of your actions.

Prepare to embark on your journey as a space scavenger, where coins light your path and each shot shapes your destiny.

The stars await your arrival. โœจ๐ŸŒŸ
The cosmos is ready to be conquered โ€“ by you. ๐Ÿš€๐ŸŒŒ


Blaster Fortune 95 MB

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